Wednesday, April 24, 2013

The Art of Deduction.

BBC’s Sherlock is a very exciting and mind boggling show. It visually shows you a lot (the text messages, what sherlock deduces, etc...) and it also forces you, the viewer, to deduce things on your own, by leaving out small pieces of information which are only revealed as the show progresses.

The first season of Sherlock introduces the main characters, John Watson and Sherlock Holmes himself, along with many other, loveable, side characters, (Detective Lestrade, Mrs. Hudson, etc...). In the first episode, John Watson meets Sherlock Holmes and the two of them become “flatmates”. During the season we see how John gets caught up in solving murders and other cases that Sherlock takes on and you watch their friendship develop. Mrs. Hudson is also introduced within the first episode. She is carried on through the entire season and is the owner of the flat that Sherlock and John rent. Mrs. Hudson is sweet, funny and acts like a grandmother to John and Sherlock. Finally, Lestrade the Detective Inspector is the person who brings seemingly unsolvable cases to Sherlock. He and Sherlock have known each other for quite some time and Lestrade always turns to Sherlock in times of need, despite what his rather irritating colleagues think.

The season has three, one and a half hour episodes and in each episode is a new case. Throughout the season you learn that there is one single mastermind behind all the crimes that Sherlock gets involved in.

The story lines are known to those who have read the Sherlock Holmes books, but people who are unfamiliar with the story will be surprised at every turn. Actors Benedict Cumberbatch (Sherlock Holmes) and Martin Freeman (John Watson) do a fantastic job of playing the roles that they were given, along with the many other actors in the show. Benedict Cumberbatch does a beautiful job of speaking and acting like Sherlock through his intelligent and quick speech and his fluid motions. Martin Freeman does an amazing job portraying John Watson as the exact opposite of Sherlock: his motion and actions are stiff (as they have been drilled into him by the military), and he talks commonly, but professionally.

The music in Sherlock adds a scientific or adventurous feel. In times of action, the music is exciting and fun, whereas in scientific scenes or times of deduction the music is more serious and gives the viewer the same serious feelings as the other characters in the show.

The camera angles give the viewer a closer look at what Sherlock deduces and how he sees the different items or people. The zoom-ins on the particular clothing pieces or the science experiments throughout the show help to make the show more visually exciting to the viewers.

In my opinion Sherlock is a fantastic show. It is interesting and exciting for viewers of all kinds. whether you have read the Sherlock Holmes stories or not it is a show that I feel everybody will find a amazing show to watch.

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